Brand Message


Brand Message

Founded in 1976, Tokyu Hands bore its name  as a statement that we create our lifestyles with our own "hands", a warning against the era of mass production and mass consumption. Repair it, not replace it.  Create wellness with the help of expert tools and services. This is our founding spirit that lives on.  Half a century has passed since.  With the arrival of the internet, our minds and hearts have become flooded with information, and our "hands" mere devices for grasping smartphones. Now is the time for us HANDS to redefine "hands".  Touching something new by "hands"  expands our views and ideas, opens our eyes, stimulates our daily curiosities. It brings us the valuable experience of connecting to others and society. It is like extending "hands" from our minds and hearts.  Beyond the sheer use of them like in DIYs and crafts, we define "hands" as an extension to our minds, to our hearts.  With "hands", we can do today what we couldn't yesterday, we see tiny but precious moments in our lives, we tune ourselves to a mindful life, friendly to both human and the environment. We will inherit the past, and entrust it to the next.  Inspiration starts from your "hands". Excitement begins from your "hands".

Origin of the logo

In line with the brand renewal of Hands, the logo mark was renewed to the motif "Hand" which is the starting point of the company.  A distinctive feature is the deliberate use of Kanji letter as a global message from Japan.  Likewise, it follows the traditional "Hands green" colour scheme with the idea of updating for the future while acknowledging the past.  Furthermore, the Kanji letter ends were joined together to create a continuous "single-stroke".